Hogging the Spotlight
Meet The Hosts Behind the Mic

Dr. Montserrat Torremorell is Professor and Chair of the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine at the College of Veterinary Medicine. Montserrat’s research on influenza, PRRS and biosecurity impacts animal disease control programs, public health and food security. Dr. Torremorell has been awarded the Outstanding Swine Academic of the Year Award by AASV, the Mark of Excellence in Research Award, the Outstanding Graduate Student Advising and Teaching Award and the Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dr. Spronk is a staff veterinarian at Pipestone Veterinary Services and past Chairman of the Board at Pipestone Holdings in Pipestone, Minnesota. Gordon is active in the pork industry, serving on several National Pork Board and National Pork Producers Council committees and task forces. Dr. Spronk has received the AASV Swine Veterinarian of the Year, the Leman Science in Practice Award and was named Master of the Industry by the National Hog Farmer.

Dr. Tom Wetzell has been a swine consultant for more than 40 years, working with producers all over the United States. Tom is a previous recipient of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians’ Swine Practitioner of the Year award and the Technical Services and Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year award.

The late Dr. Bob Morrison was a professor in the Swine Group at the University of Minnesota, and the cofounder of the “At The Meeting” podcast. In addition to broad, global industry experience, you can hear Bob’s pure enthusiasm for scientific rigor and continuing education in the past episodes of the podcast that feature him. “At The Meeting” is being carried on today in honor of Bob and his passion for bringing the latest information and research to the swine industry.